I’m a part of a blog challenge for this month. We are offered themes for the day or we can use our own topics. I mostly do my own thing, but today it felt right to follow the theme which is – POST AN IMAGE
So I’m posting an image of me recently trying on a hat and decided to include some of my old repertoire of hats- including my hat rack! (yes back in the ’70s and ’80s)
Ok, so recently I visited Buc-ee’s for the first time ever. For those who never heard of it, it’s a gas station/travel center extravaganza. So many wonderful items to explore, including food, gift items, and clothing. There I was, minding my own business trying on hats like I often do. Even though I haven’t bought a real hat in about 40 years. Oh, yes I may have this one sun hat that I don’t wear but I keep ‘just in case’, but back in the day, I was a HAT PERSON. I’d have a hat for many outfits and rarely left the house without wearing one.
Nothing fancy, mind you, just something that made me feel more like, well… like ME!
But here I am 40 years later without a hat in my closet except for that old sunhat I don’t wear. I keep trying them on hoping that one day I’ll place one on my head and it will magically re-ignite my love for hats and I’ll find one that makes me feel once again, more like ME!
Until that day, I’ll keep trying, because I am still romanced by them. But next time, I’ll try to do it more privately because the 2 friends I was with that day thought it would be a great idea to capture this moment. I guess I did too!
Hat’s off to hat people!
such a fun post!! definitely giving me ideas for future image-rich posts.. though I am not much of a hat person 🙂
love all your hat pics though
Thank you Vidya. I’ve never done one like this either. It was fun.
Love this Fran! Those pictures are great. And I love hats too and wear many different ones especially in the cold! I even have a White Russian one!
Hats off to you too!
Thanks for sharing!
Barbara x
Thank you Barbara. I’ll be looking for photos of you with a hat on, and I’ll be looking for the new me!